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Re: Patchy email

From: James
Subject: Re: Patchy email
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 12:23:04 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.3.0

On 28/09/16 10:24, David Kastrup wrote:
address@hidden writes:

07:29:54 (UTC) Begin LilyPond compile, previous commit at       
07:29:58 Merged staging, now at:        8a493b7bc9aa4d34cd2970fc2223ec6920f0ed02
07:29:59        Success:                ./ --noconfigure
07:30:16        Success:                /tmp/lilypond-autobuild/configure 
07:30:18        Success:                nice make clean
07:40:20        Success:                nice make -j3 CPU_COUNT=3
07:50:03        Success:                nice make test -j3 CPU_COUNT=3
08:54:44        Success:                nice make doc -j3 CPU_COUNT=3
08:56:12 *** FAILED STEP ***
        merge from staging
        Command '['git', 'fetch']' returned non-zero exit status 128
ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
08:56:12 Traceback (most recent call last):
"/usr/local/tmp/lilypond-extra/patches/compile_lilypond_test/", line 
530, in handle_staging
     self.merge_push ()
"/usr/local/tmp/lilypond-extra/patches/compile_lilypond_test/", line 
469, in merge_push
     run ("git fetch")
"/usr/local/tmp/lilypond-extra/patches/compile_lilypond_test/", line 
105, in run
     raise FailedCommand ("Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d\n%s" % 
(cmd, returncode, stderr.strip ()))
FailedCommand: Command '['git', 'fetch']' returned non-zero exit status 128
ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Intermittent net failure.  I took the liberty of still counting this as
success and manually pushing this staging to master.

Surprising how "dangerous" the manual completion of this Patchy run
feels after a few years of our automated procedure.

Well it is pretty robust, you'd be surprised how many times I get these kinds of errors over a month (due to repo/network issues).

I've never seen a partial push/merge it fails or it doesn't and if it fails, then patchy clears up any stale 'lock' branches and starts over.

I'm impressed just how resilient these scripts have been :)

Now if only Jean-Charles, Graham et al, could script checking reg test diffs and finding obscure make errors in all the .log files we generate ;)


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