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Re: Issue 5368: Reduce allocations in Grob dimension caching (issue 3597

From: nine . fierce . ballads
Subject: Re: Issue 5368: Reduce allocations in Grob dimension caching (issue 359770043 by address@hidden)
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2018 14:32:25 -0700

Reviewers: dak,

On 2018/07/05 12:20:27, dak wrote:
I'd like to see some rationale for the amount of semi-general-purpose
tooling to
get there, and more current or future uses of it may go a long way
towards that.

The rationale is that std::optional is fit for this situation and if
LilyPond were built with C++17 I would simply have used it.  The
interface of this Optional is a subset of std::optional, so when the
project leaders determine that it is reasonable to require C++17 to
build LilyPond, discarding this Optional should be straightforward.

flower/include/optional.hh:30: // type at all times, even when it
itself as empty.
The way against that would be to have
char [sizeof (T)] value_space_;
and instantiate and destroy it with placement new syntax, right?

Yes, though I haven't studied any existing implementations.  There might
be concerns related to alignment which either require features of newer
C++ or implementation-defined behavior (unions come to mind).  I'm sure
you can imagine my reluctance to try to reproduce that feature of
std::optional without a unit testing framework or routine uses in the
LilyPond code.  If there were a current use case and we could be
reasonably sure that implementation errors would not go undiscovered, I
wouldn't be opposed to looking into the GNU implementation of
std::optional to see what could be borrowed; but I'm not very interested
in spending that time strictly in anticipation of other uses.  I have no
passion to work on Optional for its own sake; it's just that "new Real"
caught my attention and I couldn't let it stand.
flower/include/optional.hh:40: typedef const T Optional::*bool_type;
I don't think we should be dragging an idiom like that into a single
class/template like this.

In particular when it comes with additional baggage like the
comparison operator
business in order to actually work as intended.

This could be dealt with by throwing out the implicit conversion to bool
and implementing has_value() instead.  It would still be a subset of the
interface of std::optional.  Example:

    if (dim_cache_[a].offset_.has_value ())
      return *dim_cache_[a].offset_;


Reduce allocations in Grob dimension caching
Add Optional<T> offering some of the features of C++17 std::optional.

For those who are not familiar with std::optional yet, the most useful
fact to know is that you assign directly to it like a value, but you
read from it with pointer syntax.  I didn't invent it, but go ahead and
blame me for using it, if you feel the urge.

I profiled input/regression/ with callgrind,
collecting data during Book::process, and found that these changes
reduce cycles attributed to malloc and free to about 90% of what they
were.  They reduce overall cycles attributed to Book::process to 99% of
what they were.

I don't know how the use of malloc and free scales in larger scores.

Please review this at

Affected files (+125, -95 lines):
  A flower/include/optional.hh
  D lily/
  M lily/
  M lily/include/dimension-cache.hh
  M lily/include/grob.hh

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