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Re: Issue 5705: int->long in Stem::get_beaming and set_beaming (issue 56

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: Issue 5705: int->long in Stem::get_beaming and set_beaming (issue 561350044 by address@hidden)
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2020 20:53:33 +0100

On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 2:40 PM Dan Eble <address@hidden> wrote:
> On Feb 3, 2020, at 06:27, David Kastrup <address@hidden> wrote:
> >
> > address@hidden writes:
> >
> >> sorry to complain late about this change. I understand that this gets
> >> rid of a conversion warning, which is something that we want, but I am
> >> missing the big picture here. Is there a plan for the big picture?
> >
> > As far as I can see the big picture is matching the used variables to
> > the used data types to that overflows become a non-issue.
> ...
> > Just choosing the right types means that when a problem crops up likely
> > due to an exceeded size, this is not a place you need to check up on and
> > verify when going through all warning-silencing casts.
> It's a fair question, especially on seeing a case where I chose to keep a 
> signed type, after seeing many other cases where I changed a signed index to 
> size_t.
> "Choosing the right types" is a nice ideal, but there's plenty of pragmatism 
> in this campaign, because I don't want to spend my whole life fixing 
> warnings, but I very much want to avoid either hiding or introducing 
> problems.  A type that seems more fitting on its face might require refitting 
> a lot of code.  I do start out trying to understand the bigger picture, but 
> at some point, the effort becomes more than I'm willing to spend.  This is 
> one of those cases.  Changing int to long seemed like a conservative way to 
> eliminate the reason for the warning, and I tried to do it in a way that was 
> coherent in the scope of the Stem code, if not in the big picture.
> Han-Wen wrote:
> > We could globally replace [int] with int64_t which has the
> > additional advantage of being explicit about its size.
> I'm used to using those typedefs and I think they're beneficial, but I don't 
> expect that switching to them would be merely automatic, given libraries that 
> use basic C types (e.g. scm_ilength returning long).  I'd expect some human 
> judgment to be required.
> Han-Wen also wrote:
> > Using a long here is 7 bytes too many.
> Do you believe that in general, no value should ever be stored in a larger 
> space than is necessary, or are you speaking specifically about this beaming 
> code being a memory hog?
> In my experience, for parameters, local variables, and return values, it's 
> usually better to reduce the number of conversions and not worry about the 
> size until there is evidence of a problem.  For object data that will be used 
> in a large number of instances, concern is appropriate.

My concern is this: the beaming number of a stem is a small integer
(it is generally equal to Stem::duration_log - 2).  By making it a
'long',  the Stem class is now inconsistent with itself, because
Stem::duration_log is an int, instead of a long.

I am worried that if we continue making changes to types based on the
signatures of libraries external to lilypond, the code will become a
patchwork of types that are consistent with the external libraries
(Guile, STL, etc.), but internally inconsistent with what things mean
in the LilyPond codebase, ie. some small integers are 'int', some
other set is 'long'.

There is also a cognitive overhead. If most of the code uses "int" for
standard integers, then places that use "long" are out of the
ordinary, and they imply that there is something special going on that
requires an extra-wide type. This will make the code harder to
understand if there actually is no special reason.

There are multiple ways out of this:

1) cast to the appropriate type as close to the external interface as
possible (ie. cast scm_ilength() to an int directly)

2) standardize on a type that is wide enough for our purposes, ie.
int64_t or long, so all of the code uses the same type, so we don't
imply distinctions that are not there.

3) remove the convenience method Stem::get_beaming, and have all the
callers deal with scm_ilength directly.

4) introduce a ly_int_length() which would encapsulate the cast in 1).

I prefer 1) because it is simplest change to the existing code base,
but there is a good case to make that 2) will require less
case-by-case deliberation to make the cast warnings go away overall.

David makes a case that the Rational code has overflows, and he is
right in that the Rational code is a place where it is important to be
very careful about the size of integers (*). However, almost all other
integers in LilyPond describe entities that realistically occur in
much smaller quantities than maxint32, so I'd rather see tradeoffs
biased to internal coherency of the LilyPond codebase itself.

(*) - I doubt that there are overflows in the Rational code due to
erroneous casts, but I'm happy to be proven wrong.

> I confess, I've not educated myself on how Guile stores int versus long, like 
> whether it actually uses more space for scm_from_long(50) than for 
> scm_from_int(50); however, this code didn't strike me as deserving that extra 
> effort.  If you think it's important, I'm willing to revisit it and try to 
> save space in the list while while still avoiding questionable silent 
> conversions.

GUILE values are machine words (8 byte on 64bit, 4 byte on 32 bit). If
the lower 3 (4) bits are zero (ie. it looks like a pointer to a cell
of 2 SCM values), it's considered a pointer, otherwise the low order
bits are type tags, and there are other values stored inside, eg.
small integers, booleans and other direct values. You shift out the
lower order tag bits to get to the integer. This means you get around
60 bit of space for integers on 64-bit. However, GUILE supports
arbitrary precision integers, so there is no C type that is guaranteed
to fit an SCM integer.

Speaking of rationals, it would be interesting to move to SCM values
for Rationals instead of the current C++ class,  but we'd need to be
guile 2.x to garbage collection for values on the stack.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

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