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Re: State of LilyPond with Guile 2.2

From: Karlin High
Subject: Re: State of LilyPond with Guile 2.2
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 07:53:08 -0500
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On 4/12/2021 7:06 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
Not being able to use 64-bit addressing on Windows with GUILE 1.8 is
an extremely serious problem.
I was of the opinion that we distributed a 64-bit version here?  Or did
I get that wrong?

Windows Subsystem for Linux continues to gain capability. It's allowing for Linux executables called from Windows and vice versa.

I understand the Windows-native LilyPond build consumes the most maintenance resources of all the builds.

Maybe eventually it's easier to have a PowerShell script or something that sets up everything LilyPond needs under the Windows Subsystem for Linux? Downside: needs a more-recent Windows 10 to do good with this.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA

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