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Re: ANN: Pygments support for LilyPond

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: ANN: Pygments support for LilyPond
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2021 04:12:31 +0100
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So the next step now would be adding syntax highlighting to
the documentation. I've managed a prototype for HTML fairly
easily, and Info doesn't know about colors, so that's easy.
What about PDF, however? Texinfo itself doesn't seem to have
commands for changing colors. The packages that I could find
(color, xcolor, fancyvrb) were all for LaTeX, not plain TeX.
What do the Texinfo and TeX experts in the room (looking at
Werner and David) think about the issue? Is there a way to
get highlighting in PDF without too much pain? Is it even
desirable from a stylistic point of view?


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