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Re: pygments: `\foo` not always rendered as bold

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: pygments: `\foo` not always rendered as bold
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2022 16:49:26 +0200

> Le 20 sept. 2022 à 16:39, Werner LEMBERG <> a écrit :
>>> I've noticed in the NR that stuff like `\foo` isn't always coloured
>>> as expected (i.e., `\foo` isn't always bold). Attached are two
>>> examples from the NR.
>>> I wonder whether it makes sense to always embolden stuff starting
>>> with `\` (except in a string). This might even include `\1` and
>>> friends.
>> From these examples at least, it would seem to embolden stuff which
>> requires an argument (i.e. music functions and markup functions),
>> not articulations which don't require a subsequent argument.
>> There's a certain logic to that, surely?
> For me, it feels inconsistent – a command starting with `\' should be
> marked as such, i.e., printed in bold, regardless whether it has an
> argument or not.  This is what you see in virtually all environements
> that colour/embolden keywords.

The distinction is not on expecting an argument or not but being a post-event 
attached to a note or a standalone event attached to nothing. \break, for 
example, gets printed in bold.

There is some point in making things that attach to notes not attract attention 
more than the notes themselves. I’m not saying it’s the best choice, but it’s 
not illogical.

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