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newbie question: lilypond squeezes everything on 1 staff

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: newbie question: lilypond squeezes everything on 1 staff
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 20:28:37 +0200

address@hidden writes:
> Well,
> I did it, I tried lilypond. And it looks great so far,
> and apart from having trouble with english
> terminology, I can't seem to get lilypond
> create more then one staff. If I add more notes, they
> are just squeezed onto the same staff.
> Here's my code. Suggestions much appreciated,

I think you've hit a border-line case (the alternative results in very
widely spaced staffs and also doesn't look well). Adding a few notes
more will cause a line break.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden    |

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