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lyrics distance again

From: David Bobroff
Subject: lyrics distance again
Date: 13 Mar 2004 12:11:20 +0000

I think I've isolated what the problem is.  I tried the suggestions
using Staff.minimumVerticalExtent and Lyrics.minimumVerticalExtent and
they were not working in the context of my score.  I could get them to
work in a small test file, though.  When I looked again at my output for
my score I saw that the likely culprit was the rest of the
below-the-staff stuff.  This *.ly file illustrates it.  The text in the
vocal cue is set lower than the dynamics in the instrumental part.  This
is, I assume, because this is what is normally desired when printing
lyrics.  In this case, however, the lyrics are only short lived
artefacts of the vocal cues rather than being a major feature of the
instrumental part.  Is there a way around this?  I'd like the lyrics
quite close to the bottom of the staff.


cue = \set fontSize = #-5
part = \set fontSize = #0

VoxCues = \notes \context Voice \relative c' {
                \context Voice = "VoxCue" {
                    \override Stem #'length = #5
                    \clef F
                    d4 a8 c8. a16 fis8
                    r4 r8 fis dis b
                    \revert Stem #'length
                \lyricsto "VoxCue" \new Lyrics {\override LyricText #'font-size 
= #-2
\lyrics { 
                    Hun- ding w\"ah- le sich, wem er ge- }

instrument = \notes \context Voice \relative c' {
    \clef G
     f4.-(-\p-\< b,4-\!-\> c8-)-\!

\score {
    \notes \relative c' { 
        \time 6/8
    \paper { }

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