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Re: issue regarding adding text markup

From: chip
Subject: Re: issue regarding adding text markup
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 16:08:06 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i386; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
This is actually described in the manual, see
You may want to use the \center or \column text markup commands to
print the number on its own line above or below the remaining text.
Alternatively, you could do something like
R2.*28^\markup{ 28 } _\markup {DC al coda }


So, does that mean I can stack up multiple markups on a single point? I gues I haven't seen that in the docs.

chip wrote:

I have a piece that contains a DC Al Coda. I have a measure that contains a single note and a double-bar where the 'To Coda' text is attached to the note and the coda sign. That is followed by a multi-measure rest of 30 measures, which has another double-bar and the text 'DC Al Coda' attached to it. The actual coda section begins. To seperate it from the previous measures I put in a skip bar. I attach the coda sign to the skip bar. Problem is adding the text 'DC Al Coda' to the multimeasure rest causes the multimeasure rest number to disappear, even with the text placed below the staff. This is probably a bit confusing, here is the code -

g''4. fsharp''8 r4 \break
\once \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset =#'( -2 . 1)
f''2.^\markup {To Coda} \mark \markup {\musicglyph #"scripts-coda"} \bar"||"
\once \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset =#'( -2 . -10)
\bar "||"
\once \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset =#'( 10 . 2)
s2. * 2^\markup {Coda} \bar "||"
\property Score.skipBars = ##t R2. * 28
\property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'extra-offset =#'( -18 . 1)
b'8[ d''] \mark \markup {\musicglyph #"scripts-coda"} c''[ e''] d''[ fsharp'']
e''4 r r8 g''
fsharp'' a'' b''4 r \bar "|."
How do I attach more text without the number of measure disappearing?

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