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Some questions from a novice

From: Nikolai Kirsebom
Subject: Some questions from a novice
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 00:38:37 +0200

I have LilyPond 1.6.5. installed (Cygwin) and have tried it for the
first time.  Look nice, spent quite some time to get things working out.
I have some questions, things I'm not able to find out how to

Enclosed below is my program.

1: The first 3 notes (a triple) should be played as one quarter note.  I
thought that I would have to specify "\times 2/3", however doing that
results in the whole piece being shifted (result all wrong).

2: The first "\grace" note should be right in front of the first Es (in
the second bar of the piece), however it is printed as the last note in
the first bar.

3: How should I use the "\partial"?  I doesn't seem to be needed in this

4: Bar number 10 is the final should have the mark "Fine", however when
entering a non-number in the "volta" statement, LilyPond generates an

5: Bar number 19 should be the first bar of section marked Trio.  It is
in a new key (2 b's while the rest has 3 b's).  The change in "b"
indication ends up at the end of bar 18 and again a "\grace" note which
should be the first in the 19th bar is placed in a separate bar.
Actually the repeats should be something like ":|:".

6: Should LilyPond be able to handle national characters ?

Hope someone is able to help me out.  Really nice program, however
somewhat hard to get started.  Please answer to me directly.

Sincerely Nikolai Kirsebom

PS: Is there any newsgroup for lilypond ?

\paper { textheight = 150 * \staffspace
           linewidth=-1. }
\include ""
\include ""
mus = \notes {
    \key es \major
    \times 1/3 { b8(\f c'8 )d'8-\segno } \repeat volta 2 { \grace { d'16
} es'4 g8. g16 g4 \times 1/3 { g8( f8 )g8 } \grace g16 as4 f8. f16 f4 r8
es'8\p \times 2/3 { [ d'8( es'8 )f'8 ] } [ d'8.( )b16 ] \times 2/3 { [
c'8( d'8 )es'8 ] } [ c'8. a16 ] \grace a16 b4 b8. b16 b4\f \times 2/3 {
[ b8( c'8 )d'8 ] }
    \grace d'16 es'4 g8. g16 g4 \times 2/3 { g8( f8 )g8 } \grace g16 as4
f8. f16 f4 r8 as8\f  \times 2/3 { [ g8( as8 )b8 ] } [ g8.( )es16 ]
\times 2/3 { [ f8( g8 )as8 ] } [ f8. es16 ] } 
    \alternative { { es4 es'8. es'16 es'4 \times 2/3 { [ b8( c'8 )d'8 ]
} } { es4 es'8.( )g'16 es'4 r4 } } \break
    \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "0") end-repeat)
es4_"FINE" es'8. es'16 es'4 r4 \property Score.repeatCommands =
#'((volta #f))
    \repeat volta 2 { r1^"1" r2 r4 r8 es'8\f \times 2/3 { [ d'8( es'8
)f'8 ] } [ d'8.( )b16 ] \times 2/3 { [ c'8( d'8 )es'8 ] } [ c'8. a16 ]
\grace a16 b4 b8. b16 b4\f \times 2/3 { [ b8( c'8 )d'8 ] } 
    \grace d'16 es'4 b8. h16 c'4 b4 b4 c'8. ces'16 b4 f'4 g'4 g'8. g'16
f'4 f'8. f'16 es'4 es'8. es'16 es'4^^ r4 }
    \repeat volta 2 { \key b \major \grace { a16\p^"Trio" } b8.( a16 b8.
)g16 f4 f4 \grace a16 b8.( a16 b8. )g16 f4 f4 [ b8\f a8 ] [ b8 r16 g16 ]
[ g'8 f'8 ] [ d'8 r16 d'16\p ] [ d'8( c'8 ] [ )es'8. c'16-. ] [ c'8( b8
] [ )d'8. b16-. ] [ b8( a8 ] [ )c'8. d'16-.\< ] [ c'8 b8 ] [ a8. \!c'16
] }
    \alternative { { f'4\f f'8. f'16 f'2-> } { \grace a16 b4\f b8.
b16_"D.S al Fine" b4 \times 2/3 { b8( c'8 )d'8-\segno} } } \bar "|."


\score {
  \notes \context Staff {
    \property Staff.TupletBracket \set #'direction = #1
    \property Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-5 . 4)
    \property Staff.instrument = #'(lines "Floyte" "(C)")
    \time 4/4
    \clef "G"
    \transpose c'' \mus
  \header {
    title = "Brudemarsj"
    composer = "Arne Bjorndal"
    tagline = "..."
    subtitle =   "fra Seljord, Telemark"
    enteredby =  "NK"
    %piece =      "Allegretto scherzando"
    copyright =  "N.R."
    description = " "

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