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Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: figures position

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: figures position
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 18:37:57 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

The vertical extent of each Staff is determined by three different
properties, minimumVerticalExtent, extraVerticalExtent and
verticalExtent. No matter how you set the last two properties,
the size will never be below the value specified in
minimumVerticalExtent. By default, minimumVerticalExtent is the
only of this properties that is set, so if you want to reduce
the spacing, you have to reduce the setting of minimumVerticalExtent,
nothing else. Just try

  \property Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4.0 . 0.0)
for the bass staff, instead of your current setting.

A few stylistic comments:
- Always add a line like
\version "2.0.0"
  to the top of your file. This will help you upgrade your files to
  newer versions of LilyPond. Also, it is very useful information for
  those on the mailing list who want to answer your questions.
- I recommend to introduce some identifiers for the different parts,
  this helps keeping the music and the score structure separate and
  makes it easier to read and understand the file.
- I have already commented on your use of Score.timing = ##f.


LEGRAND Jean-Marc wrote:
Here's the hole script. I've put in bold what is relative to vertical spacing.

I've understood the mean of \property Staff.verticalExtent = #'(-4.0 . 0.0), 
but I still have the
figures far above the bass staff... need help !
Idem for the \raise #-20.0 that doesn't push down the mark into the staff 
itself. It seems that it's
impossible to include a special markup within the staff....

\score {
          << \new Staff {
          \property Staff.verticalExtent = #'(-7.0 . 0.0)

          \property Score.timing = ##f
                    \time 2/2
          \key c \major
                    \clef "petrucci_c3"
                     \relative c' {
          r4_\markup {\translate #(cons -4 0) {\raise #2.0 \italic {Lent}}} 
c^\markup {\italic {e}}
_\markup {\italic {t}} d4.^\markup {\translate #(cons 1
                                   0) {\italic {e}}} e8 \bar"|"
          a,2^\markup {\translate #(cons 2 0) {\italic {e}}}  s4^\markup 
{\raise #-20.0 \musicglyph
#"dots-dot"} gis \bar"|"
          \appoggiatura {gis16 [a]} b2) r4 e, \bar"|"
          a2.^\markup {\italic {e}} \stemUp \appoggiatura {g16} fis4 \bar"|"
          \stemUp \appoggiatura {fis16} gis2\stopped a4. b8 \bar"|"
          c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 } \bar"|"
          \clef F {\stemUp a4.} \stemBoth \clef "petrucci_c3" \relative c' {e8 
e4 g^\markup {\italic
{e}} \bar"|"
          a,4. f'8 f4 a^\markup {\italic {e}} \bar"|"
          b,2 g'4.^\markup {\italic {e}} (f16 [e d]) \bar"|"
          \stemUp e2 \stopped \grace {\stemDown \slurUp f32 ([e d e]} \stemDown 
e4. \breathe d8)
          \stemUp e2 (d4.) c16 ([b c]) \bar"|"
          c2 \stemBoth e2^\markup {\italic {e}} \bar "|"
          \stemDown \grace {\stemDown \slurUp d16 (} cis2.^\markup {\italic {e}} b8) cis 
\bar "|"
          \stemUp d4.\stopped \stemDown e8 ([d c b a]) \stemBoth \bar "|"
          gis!2 \breathe \stemUp a4. (b32 [a b c]) \bar "|"
          b2 \breathe r \bar"|"
          r4 c d4.^\markup {\italic {e}} e8 \bar"|"
          a,2.^\markup {\italic {e}} gis!4 \bar"|"
          \appoggiatura {gis!16 [a]} b2 s4 e, \bar"|"
          a2.^\markup {\italic {e}} \stemUp r16 a ([g fis]) \bar"|"
          \grace {fis16(} gis2 \stopped \grace {a32 [gis! fis! gis!])} \stemUp a4. b8 
          c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 \bar"|"}
          \clef F {\stemUp a1
          \bar "|."


          \context FiguredBass
          \figures {
          <_>2 <4 6>4 <6>4
          <7>4 <6>2.
          <6>2 <4+>2
          <5+>2 <6>4 <5 6>4
          <4 6>2 <_+>2
          <_>2. <5>4
          <_>2 <6>2
          <_>4 <_> 8 <7->4 <7>4 <6>4
          <4 6>2 <3>2
          <6>2. <6>4
          <_+ 7>2 <_>2
          <_>2 <4 6>4 <6>4
          <7>4 <6>2.
          <6>2 <4+>2
          <5- 6+>2 <6>4 <5 6>4
          <4 6>2 <_+>2


          \new Staff {
          \property Staff.verticalExtent = #'(-4.0 . 0.0)
          \property Voice.Accidental \set #'style = #'mensural
          \time 2/2
          \key c \major
                      \clef F

          \property Voice.TextScript
          \set #'font-family = #'number

          \property Voice.TextScript
          \set #'font-relative-size = #'-9

          \property Voice.TextScript
          \set #'baseline-skip = #'0.2

          \relative c {
          a2. g4
          e2 d'
          b2 c4 d
          e2 e,
          a a'4 e
          f2 d4 d,
          g2 b s16
          c2 f,
          g1 s16
          c,2 c'
          f2. d4
          e2 a,
          e4. e'8 e ([d]) c ([b])
          a2. g4
          e2 d'
          b2 c4 d
          e2 e,

     \header { piece="1. Prélude le Soligny"}
          \paper {

          orientation = landscape
          \translator {
               \consists Custos_engraver
               Custos \override #'style = #'hufnagel
          \midi { \tempo 2=50}

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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