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Re: Halving the size...

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Halving the size...
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 13:58:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

You didn't say what computer environment you use, but on Linux or
Cygwin (probably also in Fink), there are programs that can be used
to modifiy PostScript files. In your case, the program psresize is
probably useful. Other useful PostScript tools include psnup and
psbook, not to mention pstops which has lots of possibilities but
a too complicated syntax for the options, in my opinion.
Look at the manual pages of these programs for more information.


Ruth Ivimey-Cook wrote:
Hi folks,

I have managed to create a number of reasonable scores in Lilypond (e.g. but I need them to be much smaller, in the sense of a general reduction in size. Changing font size doesn't do it. The reason is that the current scores fit on an A4 sheet, but I need them to fit on about 2/3 of an A5. The score above came from the file below (note: it's intentionally missing 3 verses).

How do I scale the whole thing?


  title =        "There Is A Green Hill"
  composer = "William Horsley (1774-1858)"
  enteredby = "RIC"
  copyright = "public domain"
  style = "gospel"
  lastupdated = "2005/Mar/2"

\version "2.4.0"

verseMusic = {
\set fontSize = #-1
  \key ees \major
  \time 4/4
  \relative c' {
        \partial 4*1
        ees4 | f g aes g | bes aes8 (g) f4 bes | g ees' d c bes2.
        f8 (g) | aes4 aes aes g | c c b b | c aes g f | ees2.

verseOne = \lyricmode {
        \set fontSize = #-1
        \set stanza = "1. "
There is a green hill far a -- way, out -- side a cit -- y wall, where
        our dear lord was cru -- ci -- fied, who died to save us all.

verseTwo = \lyricmode {
        \set fontSize = #-1
        \set stanza = "2. "
        We may not know, we can -- not tell, what pains he had to bear:
        But we be -- lieve it was for us he hung and suff -- ered there.

\score {
%\midi { \tempo 4=72 }
        \context Voice = mel {
                \repeat volta 3 {
        \lyricsto mel \new Lyrics \verseOne
        \lyricsto mel \new Lyrics \verseTwo


Ruth Ivimey-Cook <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>


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