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RE: multiline footer in Postscript backend

From: Fairchild
Subject: RE: multiline footer in Postscript backend
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:47:08 -0500

Chris -

Thanks for the posting.  Although "baseline-skip" is documented, I hadn't
found it.  I have been using \raise, awkwardly, for the purpose.

                                           - Bruce

-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of
Chris Sawer
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2005 4:20 PM
To: Mark Van den Borre
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: multiline footer in Postscript backend

On 11 Jul 2005, at 09:28, Mark Van den Borre wrote:

> I'm working on a Mutopia score. I'm having trouble creating a 
> multiline footer with the Postscript backend.
> Any suggestions on how to accomplish that in the most elegant way?


Sorry this is a bit slow, I've just returned from vacation.

Did you see the example I posted to the mutopia-discuss mailing list a 
couple of weeks ago? For LilyPond 2.6:

maintainer = "Whoever"

tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override 
#'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music 
from \with-url #""; \line { \teeny www. 
\hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } ~ 
\hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to 
distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using 
\with-url #""; \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 
LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . 
\hspace #0.5 Reference: Mutopia-20050704-000 } } \line { \teeny \line { 
This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the 
typesetter, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url 
#""; } } } }

tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override 
#'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music 
from \with-url #""; \line { \teeny www. 
\hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } ~ 
\hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to 
distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using 
\with-url #""; \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 
LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . 
\hspace #0.5 Copyright C 2005. \hspace #0.5 Reference: 
Mutopia-20050704-000 } } \line { \teeny \line { Licensed under the 
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, for details see: \hspace 
#-0.5 \with-url #""; } } } }

tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override 
#'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music 
from \with-url #""; \line { \teeny www. 
\hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } ~ 
\hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to 
distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using 
\with-url #""; \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 
LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . 
\hspace #0.5 Copyright C 2005. \hspace #0.5 Reference: 
Mutopia-20050704-000 } } \line { \teeny \line { Licensed under the 
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License, for details see: 
\hspace #-0.5 \with-url 
#""; } } } }

The reference (Mutopia-20050704-000 in the examples above) needs to be 
moved into a separate variable, in the same way as the maintainer, but 
this should give the general idea.


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