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Re: multiple pieces together

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: multiple pieces together
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 16:12:54 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511

Seriously, if you try something like
\paper{printallheaders = ##t}
\include ""
\include ""

then it should work reasonably well. What you have to do in each
of the included files is to move the \header{...} into the \score{...}
(then you will need the \paper{printallheaders = ##t} within each
.ly file if you also want it to work standalone).

The resulting output will not add any page breaks between the scores
unless you use breakbefore as Graham explained in an earlier email.

Graham has also explained in more or less detail how to use
lilypond-book for the same purpose.


Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Funny naming convention for your files!

An \include "" is completely equivalent to taking the
contents of the file and pasting it into the current file at the
point where you do the \include. If you think for a minute what
the result would be, I'm sure you realize why your attempt doesn't
work. Also, please be more careful about details, for example
- To get all headers printed for every score, you should do
  \paper{printallheaders = ##t} nothing else
- How many backslashes should you have in \include ?


Aaron Mehl wrote:

Wow this is exactly what I am trying to do.

I have 16 songs with titles and lyrics that I want to
put one after the other.

I did:

\version "2.7.2"
 \paper{ printallheaders}

 \score { \include
\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

\score { \\include

I used both \book {} and no book. I tried it with
\include ""  and \score {\include ""}

When I remove the \score{} lily complains it can't
find the files. When I add the \score lily complains
about the headers....

I am attaching two of the files.

--- Graham Percival <address@hidden> wrote:

On 2-Aug-05, at 2:37 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Graham Percival wrote:

Basically, the current situation is that I have and  They

both produce
the output I want; I'm happy with them, etc.  Can

I put and

so that I get one pdf with pagenumbers?
\include ""
\include ""
produce two separate .pdfs;

Are you sure? Do you use \book within and/or

(discussion moved to -user)

Aha, that was the problem!  -- but all is still not

Using \include should be completely equivalent to

cutting and

pasting the code of the two files into a new

common file.

Ok, I can get and in the same file, but
now there's problems with
the headers -- the headers in overwrite the
ones in, and the
breakbefore doesn't work.  \paper{ printallheaders}
doesn't seem to
work here; it was created with \book{} in mind.

Here's my minimal example:  a and b combined in c. Would it be easier
to change the behavior of headers in a non-\book{}
environment, or easier
to make a different kind of \include{} command (such
that it would work
inside a \book environment) ?


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\version "2.7.2"

\header{%Slach Nah Ashamos
title = \markup {\fontsize #4 \override #'(font-name . "dglsystem error")
      {"× ×� סלח × ×� "}
      poet = ""
    composer = ""
    meter = "Andante"
    %done but needs words
#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\score {

\set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key a \minor
    \clef treble
    r2 r4 r8 e' |
    a'4 gis'8 f' e'4. e'8 |
    gis'16 gis'8. ~ gis'4. e'8 gis' b' |
    \time 3/4 a' gis' f'4. e'8 |
    d'2 r8 e' |
    \time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c''4 b'8 a' |
    \time 3/4 gis'2. |
    \time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c'' b' d''16 c'' b' a' |
    gis'4. f'8 e'4. e'8 |
    e' f' gis'4 f'8 e' f' d' |
    e'2. r4 |
    \time 3/4 r a' gis'8 f' |
    gis'4 gis'4. f'8 |
    e'4 e' e' |
    r e' e' |
    r a' gis'8 f' |
    gis'4 gis'4. f'8 |
    e'4 e' d'16 e' f'8 |
    e'2. |
    \time 3/4 r4 a' gis'8 f' |
    gis'4 gis'4. f'8 |
    e'4 e' d'16 e' f'8 |
    e'4 e' e' |
    r a' gis'8 f' |
    gis'4 gis'4. e'8 |
    b'4 b'8 a' gis' f' |
    gis' f' e'2 |
    a'4. gis'8 a' gis' |
    a'4. gis'8 a' gis' |
    a'4. gis'8 b' a' |
    gis'4. f'8 e' f' |
    r4 gis' a' |
    gis'4. f'8 gis' f' |
    r4 e' e' |
    r e' e' |
    e'2. \bar "|."


\addlyrics {
ס לח × ×� _ _ ×� ש מות ו _ פש ×¢×™ ל ×� מ ך לע ון _ _ ב × ×™ ך ×�×™×™ - - - - - - - - - - בל ×™ ×— רה ×–×¢ - מ - ך

    \layout {
    \midi {
        \tempo 4 = 72


\version "2.7.2"

\header{%KiBakoras Roeh Edro
    title = "כבקרת רועה עדרו "
    subtitle = ""
    poet = ""
    composer = ""
    meter = "Andante"
    %done but needs words

#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\score {

    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key c \major
    \clef treble
\key e \minor \repeat volta 2 {
      b4 b dis' c'8 b |
    e'1 |
    fis'4 g' a' fis' |
    g'1 |
    fis'4 g'8 a' g'4 fis' |
    e'1     e'4 fis'8 g' fis'4 e'|
    b4 b dis' cis'8 dis'|
    e'1  }
\repeat volta 2 {
         b4 b b'8 a' g' fis' |
    e'1 |
    b'4. b'8 c'' b' e' fis' |
    g' b' a' fis' e'2 |
    a'4 fis' b' fis' |
    g'1 |
    fis'4 g'8 a' g'4 fis'8 e' |
    b'1     e'4 fis'8 g' b'4 a'8 g' |     fis'1|
    fis'8 g' a' c'' b' a' fis' g' |
    e'1 }
\bar "|."


\addlyrics {\set stanza = "1. "
×› ב ק _ _ רת רו ×¢×” ×¢ _ דרו מ ×¢ ביר צ ×� × ×• ת _ חת ש ב טו ת חת ש _ ב טו ×› ב ק _ _ רת רו ×¢×” ×¢ _ דרו מ ×¢ ביר צ ×� × ×• ת _ חת ש ב טו ת חת ש _ ב טו


\addlyrics {\set stanza = "2. "
כן ת ×¢ ביר ו ת _ _ _ מ × ×” ו ת _ _ _ _ פ קוד × _ _ פש כל _ _ _ ×—×™ × _ _ פש כל _ _ _ ×—×™ כן ת ×¢ ביר ו ת _ _ _ מ × ×” ו ת _ _ _ _ פ קוד × _ _ פש כל _ _ _ ×—×™ × _ _ פש כל _ _ _ ×—×™


    \layout {
    \midi {
        \tempo 4 = 72

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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