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Re: lilypond-book/(La)TeX knowledge required

From: Jean-Charles
Subject: Re: lilypond-book/(La)TeX knowledge required
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 14:41:52 +0200
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Laura Conrad (LC) a écrit :
"RvS" == Ruud van Silfhout <address@hidden> writes:
RvS> I'm (again) working on a version of a hymne book I have been working on RvS> before. I is written lilypond and LaTeX. RvS> Before I have worked on a version for the people in church, now I have RvS> to make a special version for the church choir. RvS> I have a TeX variable containing the number of the hymne ( \thehymneno RvS> ). What I want is that at the top of each page, except for the first page, RvS> the hymne number appears followed by the pagenumber (so, RvS> \thehymneno--\thepage). RvS> I couldn't get this to work properly and I tried a lot. Is this RvS> something that is influenced by lilypond-book somehow?
    RvS> So, I could do with some help.

    RvS> Any suggestions?

LC> What you really want to do is read the documentation for the latex
LC> "memoir" class.  If you look at most of my .lytex files,
LC> e.g. drinking.lytex in
LC> <>, you'll
LC> see how I define a pagestyle for songs and set the marks.  You can use
LC> \thehymneno in your \makeevenhead command.

Wishing to use and build correctly a lilypond-book, I wanted to pick it up, but dead link (ERR 404) and no .lytex in the directory.


Jean-Charles Malahieude

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