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Re: lyric syllable skipping a note -- why?

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: lyric syllable skipping a note -- why?
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 16:38:32 +0100
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.4)

Quoting Erik Sandberg <address@hidden>:

On Monday 06 February 2006 23.16, Eduardo Vieira wrote:
Hello users,

I've been struggling to set the lyrics correctly for this song. But I can't
assign the word "right" and the word "true" (2nd stanza) for the note "d2."
in this part: << { d2. } \\ { g,4.( f4.) } >>

<<\\>> creates new voices implicitly, see manual. You need to do that manually
when voice naming matters, maybe something like:
<< \new Voice { \voiceOne ..} \context Voice = MelodySop {\voiceTwo ..} >>
i.e. without \\.

Easiest is to only explicitly create a new voice for the voice that is split off, then the other will remain in the same Voice context as the surrounding music. For example, if you do {c d e f | << {\voiceOne c2 c } \new Voice {\voiceTwo g g } >>| \oneVoice c1 }
then the c2 c will remain in the same Voice context as the first and last
bar, whereas the g g will appear in a new voice. Read Sect. "6.6.2 Explicitly instantiating voices" for more information. You can also find several related emails in the mailing list archives.


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