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Re: Feature requests

From: Eduardo Vieira
Subject: Re: Feature requests
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 08:59:08 -0300

Hi Jake,
I took a look in the score. I see that vocal music in Lilypond have many
approaches for setting up lyrics, and the one used in this score wasn't very
successful. To correct all the problems would take an extra effort that I
will leave it up to you. I'm still learning the "lyrics management" in
Lilypond, but in order to get better results you should do this with the
---> Instead of using \markup \italic, use: \override LyricText #'font-shape
= #'italic, then use \revert, when necessary. The text will be part of the
lyrics, not a text markup anymore, so you'd have to change the melisma or
whatever adaptation he did with the notes because of the markups.
---> Using \context Lyrics="l1" \textocantus, the lyrics won't be properly
aligned unless you specify the duration of each syllable, I think, for
instance: A2 -- scen4 -- dens4, etc.
Since doing that is more work than youd'd want, you'd better have this
setup: Explicit voice contexts, like this \context Voice = Sopone {
\cantus }
\context Lyrics="l1" lyricsto Sopone \textocantus.

I hope this works.

Best regards,


P.S. I and Geoff Horton are going to make some contributions to the docs
about Vocal Music in a near future, that's why I'm researching more about
lily's lyrics management.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jacob Cooper
To: Cameron Horsburgh ; Eduardo Vieira ; Geoff Horton
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: Feature requests

Hi all,

Thanks for getting back so quickly! I've attached the file (source and
output) that raised these issues for me. The lyric underlay you can see
throughout, and the note issue you can see at m72 and (real dramatically) at
m107. I had to prepare a tranposition for performance, and noticing that it
was lilypond, I thought I'd go to the source and do it that way. In the end,
I just nixed the second text and went with \mark "D.C." but I would prefer
to have the line-specific text of the source. The original source and output
that Nancho Alvarez had posted was generated from a version 1.x of lily; I
used 2.6 (windows). Workarounds would be great, but if they're inconsistent,
that kinda quashes their usefulness a bit.

Eduardo, you have a good point about different standards with this issue. I
expect most of my use will be with polyphonic music, not hymnal preparation,
and the underlay actually made it harder to read in performance. Perhaps a
global switch? \lyrics hymn-mode, \lyrics polyphony-mode, \lyrics song-mode?

Thank you all!


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