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Re: Which frontend?

From: Reinhard
Subject: Re: Which frontend?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 12:56:40 +0200
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Hi Eyolf,

Eyolf Ostrem wrote:
> Which frontends do yo all use for lilypond? Here's the ones I've tried out so 
> far, with my experiences - some bad, some good:
> 1. NoteEdit. 
> however: I haven't found a keyboard shortcut for \breve and \longa - 
> essential 
> if one writes a lot of renaissance music. Also, It would have been nice if 
Breve: I just added a shortcut for it, it's in the NoteEdit svn (and will
be included in the 2.8.1 release coming out soon). Longa: Does
NoteEdit really support it? At least I don't see how you would input
it. It's not a big problem adding more shortcuts for me.
> one could generate a lilypond output on the fly, of whatever one has written 
> in, without having to go through the process  of exporting, opening the file, 
> copy-pasting into the "real" document, etc.
No problem, with the current version from SVN you can just do that.
Just fine-tune your printing and preview options and you're done.
You can even use a bash script or something similar as custom command
for previewing or printing the file.
> Also, I miss things like a default score setup, a snippet/templates library, 
> a 
> menu for inserting more specific lilypond commands (but I realize it's not 
> only a lilypond frontend, so that's probably too much to ask).
> But all in all, it's so far my favorite frontend - not for generating whole 
> scores, but for entering the music which I can then paste into another text 
> file.
Not at all impossible, but for us it is unfortunately. We recently started
on a project called Canorus that will be the NoteEdit successor. But that
won't help you for quite a while. If you're interested in that, you can
your idea to the wiki (I'll create an account for you).
> Have I missed anything? 
Was there mscore in your list (muse score)? I haven't looked at that though.



Software-Engineer, Developer of User Interfaces
Project: Canorus - the next generation music score editor -
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