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Re: LSR Execution? Failure

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: LSR Execution? Failure
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 15:00:10 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.13) Gecko/20060417

However, as I said, the file did not compile at all when I tried it
in Linux, latest 2.8.x or 2.9.x versions. I just tried it on my Win XP
with 2.8.5 and it seems crash there as well.


Fairchild wrote:

Mats -

I understand your 2.8 vs. 2.4 advice, but suspect the current problem is
operating environment dependency, not ly version.  It works just fine with
my XP.  Others have been asking for the info extraction capability, so am
struggling to make it available by posting to LSR.  Posting to the list for
inclusion in the docs elicited no response.

                          - Bruce

-----Original Message-----
From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:address@hidden Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 7:10 AM
To: Fairchild
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: LSR Execution? Failure

Please, this is a very tedious method for your and everybody else to help
you debug .ly files for version 2.8, just because you only have version 2.4
on your own machine.

I know you want to keep your installation of 2.4, but isn't there any way
for you to get access also to a recent version?

If your installation of LilyPond 2.4 is via a cygwin package, then you can
safely install the 2.8 package from It shouldn't interfere
with cygwin, unless you expicitly modify your $PATH so that cygwin sees the
2.8 version that's installed in C:\Program Files\LilyPond\.

Regarding this specific file, I got a backtrace from Guile unless I removed
all lines that refered to stat:size or stat:mtime. Still, it doesn't compile
cleanly, but I don't have the time right now to look more into what you are
trying to do.


Fairchild wrote:

The ly file below doesn't function in the LSR environment.

                       - Bruce

%{ Display ly file information on the score, including file name, file
LilyPond version, date processed, time processed, time last modified, and
the LilyPond command line. %}
#( define comml    ( object->string ( command-line )))
#( define slashloc ( + ( string-rindex comml #\/ ) 1 ))
#( define commllen ( - ( string-length comml ) 2 ))
#( define filen    ( substring comml slashloc commllen ))
#( define siz      ( object->string ( stat:size ( stat filen ))))
#( define ver      ( object->string (lilypond-version )))
#( define dat      ( strftime "%m/%d/%Y" ( localtime ( current-time ))))
#( define tim      ( strftime "%T" ( localtime ( current-time ))))
#( define modt     ( stat:mtime ( stat filen )))
#( define modts    ( strftime "%m/%d/%Y %T" (localtime modt)))
               \header { dedication = \markup \column <
{ "- - - - - - Using Scheme \"define\"-  - - - - -" } % "
{ "File Name = "        \filen }
{ "File Size = "        \siz   }
{ "LilyPond Version = " \ver   }
{ "Date Processed = "   \dat   }
{ "Time Processed = "   \tim   }
{ "Last Modified = "    \modts }
{ "Command Line = "     \comml }
{ "" }
{ "- - - - - - Using \"ly:export\" - - - - - -" } % "
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "File Name = "
              ( substring ( object->string ( command-line ))
( + ( string-rindex ( object->string ( command-line )) #\/ ) 1 ) ( - ( string-length ( object->string ( command-line )) ) 2 )))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "File Size = "
              ( object->string ( stat:size ( stat filen ))))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "LilyPond Version = "
              ( lilypond-version ))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "Date Processed = "
              ( strftime "%m/%d/%Y" ( localtime ( current-time ))))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "Time Processed = "
              ( strftime "%T" ( localtime ( current-time ))))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "Last Modified = "
              ( strftime "%m/%d/%Y %T"
              ( localtime ( stat:mtime ( stat filen )))))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "Command Line = "
              ( object->string ( command-line )))) }
       >       }
{ c''1_\markup { \column <
{ "- - - - - - In \"markup\" - - - - - -" } % "
{ "File Name = "        \filen }
{ "File Size = "        \siz   }
{ "LilyPond Version = " \ver   }
{ "Date Processed = "   \dat   }
{ "Time Processed = "   \tim   }
{ "Last Modified = "    \modts }
{ "Command Line = "     \comml }


lilypond-user mailing list

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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