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Re: adding fingering diagrams

From: Chris Capoccia
Subject: Re: adding fingering diagrams
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 22:25:43 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

Chris Capoccia <chriscapoccia <at>> writes:

> the tin whistle fingering tips might be helpful:

using the idea from the tin whistle fingering discussion, i was able to come up
with something that i think will work well:

\paper {
  #(define dump-extents #t)
  indent = 0\mm
  line-width = 180\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in

\layout {


\version "2.8.7"
\header {
title = "The Ninety and Nine"
composer = "Ira D. Sankey (1874)"
poet = "Elizabeth C. Clephane (1868)"
melody = \relative c' {
   \clef treble
   \key g \major
   \time 6/8

\partial 8
   d16_"◍"_"●"_"●" d_"◍"_"●"_"●" g8._"◍"_"●"_"●" g16_"◍"_"●"_"●" g8_"◍"_"●"_"●"
g4_"◍"_"●"_"●" g8_"◍"_"●"_"●" fis4_"●"_"○"_"○" fis8_"●"_"○"_"○" g4_"◍"_"●"_"●"
   g16_"◍"_"●"_"●" g_"◍"_"●"_"●" b4_"◍"_"●"_"●" b8_"◍"_"●"_"●" g4_"◍"_"●"_"●"
g8_"◍"_"●"_"●" a4._"●"_"●"_"○" r4
\bar "||"
\partial 8
   d,8_"◍"_"●"_"●" g4_"◍"_"●"_"●" g8_"◍"_"●"_"●" g4_"◍"_"●"_"●" g16_"◍"_"●"_"●"
g_"◍"_"●"_"●" b4_"◍"_"●"_"●" b8_"◍"_"●"_"●" g4_"◍"_"●"_"●"
   g8_"◍"_"●"_"●" a4_"●"_"●"_"○" a16_"●"_"●"_"○" a_"●"_"●"_"○" fis4_"●"_"○"_"○"
fis8_"●"_"○"_"○" g4._"◍"_"●"_"●" r4
\bar "||"
\partial 8
   g8_"◍"_"●"_"●" b8._"◍"_"●"_"●" b16_"◍"_"●"_"●" b8_"◍"_"●"_"●" g4_"◍"_"●"_"●"
g8_"◍"_"●"_"●" b4_"◍"_"●"_"●" b8_"◍"_"●"_"●" g4_"◍"_"●"_"●"
   d'8_"●"_"◍"_"●" d8._"●"_"◍"_"●" d16_"●"_"◍"_"●" d8_"●"_"◍"_"●"
d8(_"●"_"◍"_"●" b8)_"◍"_"●"_"●" g8_"◍"_"●"_"●" a8(_"●"_"●"_"○" g8)_"◍"_"●"_"●"
a8_"●"_"●"_"○" b4_"◍"_"●"_"●"
   d8_"●"_"◍"_"●" d8.^\fermata_"●"_"◍"_"●" d16_"●"_"◍"_"●" e8_"○"_"○"_"○"
d8(_"●"_"◍"_"●" b8)_"◍"_"●"_"●" g8_"◍"_"●"_"●" a8(_"●"_"●"_"○"
b8^\fermata)_"◍"_"●"_"●" a8_"●"_"●"_"○" g4_"◍"_"●"_"●"
\bar "|."


text = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1. "
   There were nine -- ty and nine, that safe -- ly lay
   In the shel -- ter of the fold,
   But one was out on the hills a -- way,
   Far off from the gates of gold.
   A -- way on the moun -- tains wild and bare,
   A -- way from the ten -- der Shep -- herd’s care,
   A -- way from the ten -- der Shep -- herd’s care.
      \new Voice = "one" {
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
   \layout { }
   \midi { }
     \wordwrap-string #"
Verse 2.

“Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine;

Are they not enough for Thee?”

But the Shepherd made answer: “This of Mine

Has wandered away from Me;

And although the road be rough and steep,

I go to the desert to find My sheep,

I go to the desert to find My sheep.”"

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