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PATCH: shape note minor keys broken and a fix (Sacred Harp)

From: Ted Walther
Subject: PATCH: shape note minor keys broken and a fix (Sacred Harp)
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 20:58:19 -0800
User-agent: mutt-ng/devel-r804 (Debian)

In the shape note world, specifically the four-shape world of Sacred
Harp music, there are two scales.  Lilypond supports the major scale.
The minor scale starts a couple notes down.

For the major keys, this definition works:

sacredHarpHeads = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(fa #f la fa #f la mi)

But for minor keys, this definition must be in place:

sacredHarpHeads = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(la mi fa #f la fa #f)

So, I don't know the magic to make this code depend on the key in
effect, major or minor, so if anyone does know and could fix it, I'd
appreciate it.


In the minor keys of Sacred Harp music, the sixth note of the scale is
played a half step sharper than it is written.  What would it take so
that when \sacredHarpHeads is invoked, the accidental sharp on the sixth
note is supressed?  It is a convention of sacred harp that the sharp is
not notated or expressed; it is implied.


It's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand it until it makes you weep.

Eukleia: Ted Walther
Address: 2459 E 41 Ave, Vancouver, BC  V5R2W2 (Canada)
Contact: 604-435-5787

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