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Macros for typesetting chords and polyphony

From: Eduardo Vieira
Subject: Macros for typesetting chords and polyphony
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 14:19:30 -0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.4

Hello users!

Using Autohotkey (, I created 2 macros that intend to speed
up the typing of chords. Here is what they do:
First macro:
-- Press q, then <  > is written.
-- Type the duration, e.g. <  >4.
        As soon as you hit the "space" key, the caret moves back to one space 
after the
first "<"
-- Type the notes of the chord, then press q again to start the next chord, or
the key "End", to continue on without chords.

Second macro:
-- Press yy, then << {  } \\ {  } >> is written, and the caret moves back to one
space after the first "{"

System requirement: Windows XP

How to use it:
If you have installed AutoHotKey, just doubleclick the script file.
Now, it will work for any text editor.
Close the program in the Windows start bar when you no longer want the program
to remap the keys of the keyboard.

Attached is the source of the script. The compiled version is a bit over 200Kb,
so I figured it wouldn't make it to the list. AutoHotkey is very good open
source software for automating tasks too, give it a try.



Nas suas férias, de um telefone fixo ou do celular, faz um 21. A Embratel tem
tarifas muito baratas para você ligar para quem você gosta, contar como estão
as férias e economizar. Faz um 21 e aproveite.

Attachment: lilychords.ahk
Description: Binary data

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