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Lyric and Stanza collision

From: Fred Leason
Subject: Lyric and Stanza collision
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 11:41:59 -0600

I am using lilypond to write out and point anglican chant for each Sunday's Psalm setting. This fragment has two Psalm verses but typically we sing six to 12 verses in various A B patterns. I want to enter the music once and then repeat it for as many verses as we need. I borrowed the "divisio*" from I include the \set stanza command so we know when to restart during rehearsal.

Whenever the "cadence" or ending phrase of the chant involves more than one or two words, the lyrics text overlaps the subsequent stanza label. Is there a way to override this, or can you suggest an alternative method of marking the lyrics for rehearsal without marking the music? I have attached a fragment png file showing the overlap.

lilypond code:

\version "2.11.13"

divisioMinima = {
\once \override BreathingSign #'stencil = #ly:breathing- sign::divisio-minima

% Workaround: add padding. Correct fix would be spacing engine handle this.
  \once \override BreathingSign  #'extra-X-extent = #'(-1.0 . 0)

divisioMaior = {
\once \override BreathingSign #'stencil = #ly:breathing- sign::divisio-maior
  \once \override BreathingSign  #'Y-offset = #0

% Workaround: add padding. Correct fix would be spacing engine handle this.
  \once \override BreathingSign  #'extra-X-extent = #'(-1.0 . 0)

divisioMaxima = {
\once \override BreathingSign #'stencil = #ly:breathing- sign::divisio-maxima
  \once \override BreathingSign  #'Y-offset = #0

% Workaround: add padding. Correct fix would be spacing engine handle this.
  \once \override BreathingSign  #'extra-X-extent = #'(-1.0 . 0)

finalis = {
\once \override BreathingSign #'stencil = #ly:breathing- sign::finalis
  \once \override BreathingSign  #'Y-offset = #0

% Workaround: add padding. Correct fix would be spacing engine handle this.
  \once \override BreathingSign  #'extra-X-extent = #'(-1.0 . 0)

#(set-default-paper-size "letter" )

global = {
        \key c \major
        \set Staff.whichBar = ""
        \set Score.timing = ##f
\override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line- invisible
        \override Score.PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t

trebMusicA = {
                \fatText s4_"A" \noBreak
                <e' c'>2 <g' d'>4
                <b d'>2 <e' cis'>4

trebMusicB = {
                \fatText s4_"B" \noBreak
                <g' e'>2 <c'' f'>4
                <e' b>2 <g' e' b>4
\finalis \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right \mark "REFRAIN "

bassMusicA = {
                s4 <a f>2  <a c>4
                <f a,>2 <a a,>4
bassMusicB = {
                s4 <b c>2  <a d>4
                <f g,>2 <g c>4
allWords = \lyricmode
\set stanza = "8. " \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT "I will listen to what the LORD God is" saying,* \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT "for he is speaking peace to his faithful peopleāœ and to those who turn their" \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT "hearts to him." \set stanza = "9. " \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT "Truly, his salvation is very near to those who" \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT "fear him,*" \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT "that his glory may dwell in our" land.

\score {

        \context ChoirStaff <<
           \context Staff = women <<

                                \context Voice =
                                women { \oneVoice \global
                        \context Lyrics = women \lyricsto women \allWords
                        \context Staff = men <<
                        \clef bass
                        \context Voice =
                                basses { \oneVoice \global

        \layout {
                %indent = 0.0
            packed = ##f
            ragged-right = ##t
                ragged-last = ##t
                barAlways = ##t

                \context {
                                \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
                                \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
                \context {
                                \override Stem #'length = #0

end lilypond code

collision illustration:

PNG image

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