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Re: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically i

From: Mark Dewey
Subject: Re: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices)
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 16:31:39 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Kieren MacMillan wrote:
. . .
Please tell me what behaviour you find unexpected in the attached snippet (note that the lyrics clearly DO NOT skip the 'polyphonic notes') -- that way, I'll know exactly what you're talking about, and might be able to be of more help.
. . .

Your example looks perfectly fine, and I see no unexpected results.

At first I thought this would cause problems when used inside of another 
context, but, you do something new to me I haven't seen suggested with this 
before (\oneVoice, and no \new Voice before the first voice).  I tried it out 
in my situation, and it works.

It looks like there is a solution to the problem, and perhaps people in the 
past just didn't understand the questions of the people asking properly . . .

Anyway, here is the code that works, in the fashion I want it to work (this 
example isn't one of a situation that would require it, as that would be too 
complex, but it is one that shows it can work how I want it to):
\version "2.10.29"

sopWords = \lyricmode
        \set stanza = "1. "
        TestOne testTwo

                \new Staff
                        \new Voice = "sopranos"
                                \time 4/4
                                \key c \major
a'4 <<
                                        {\voiceOne a'}
                                        \new Voice
                                        {\voiceTwo a'}
                                >> \oneVoice
                                \bar "|."

                        \new Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
                \context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords

Thank you for your help!  This will help out with quite a lot of other issues, actually, it 
seems.  I suspect the key was using \oneVoice to set it back, since the reason it didn't 
show up using <<{} \\ {}>> was that they produced extra voices or something 
like that which couldn't be referenced properly.  What I tried before, at your first 
suggestion, was doing what I did on the outer framework in this code (i.e. without 

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