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Re: is it possible to glue two staff's together? (hymn solution)

From: René Brandenburger
Subject: Re: is it possible to glue two staff's together? (hymn solution)
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 12:04:04 +0200

Hi Ted,

yesterday I had some time to look at your issue again, 

here is a snippet, which works fine, the only caveat is that the refrain
also takes up the same amount of space in e new line.

\version "2.11.19"
\header {
        title = "Wir feiern heut ein Fest"
\include ""
verseun = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. "
        Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest, 
        und kom -- men hier zu -- sam -- men.
        Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest,
        weil Gott uns al -- le liebt
versedeux = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "2. "
        Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest, 
        und sin -- gen mit -- ein -- an -- der.
        Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest,
        weil Gott uns al -- le liebt
versetrois = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "3. "
        Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest, 
        und dan -- ken für die Ga -- ben
        Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest,
        weil Gott uns al -- le liebt
verserefrain = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "Refrain: "
        Her -- ein, her -- ein!
        Wir la -- den al -- le ein.
        Her -- ein, her -- ein!
        Wir la -- den al -- le ein.
staffSoprano = \new Staff  {
        \time 4/4
        \tempo 4 = 96
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="voice aahs"
        \key sol \major
        \clef treble
        \relative do' {
                \context Voice = "melodySop" {
                        \partial 8 *1 
                        re8 |
                        si'16 si8. sol8 fad mi4 r8 sol8 |
                        fad16 fad8. sol8 la si sol r8 re8 |
                        si'16 si8. sol8 fad mi4 r8 sol8 |
                        fad8 fad sol16 la sol8 ~ sol4 r8 
                \context Voice = "repeatSop" {
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                                \partial 8 * 1 
                                re8 |
                                si'4 re8 do4. r8 si8 |
                                la8 la si16 do si8 ~ si4 r8 re,8 |
                                si'4 re8 do4. r8 si8 |
                                la8 la sol16 fad sol8 ~ sol4 r8
                %\bar "|."
\score {
        \context Lyrics = "verseUn" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
\verseun }
        \context Lyrics = "verseDeux" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
\versedeux }
        %% refrain %%
        \context Lyrics = "verseRefrain" \lyricmode  {
                %% move down, you probably have to play with the 7.4 to get it 
the way you want
                \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0 . 7.4)
                \lyricsto "repeatSop" \verserefrain 
        \context Lyrics = "verseTrois" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
\versetrois }
        \context Lyrics = "versetrois" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
\versetrois }
    \context {
      \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #0.6
      \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1

  \unfoldRepeats \staffSoprano
  \midi {

\paper {

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