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Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches

From: Andrew Hawryluk
Subject: Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 12:43:56 -0700

In the relative octave section, paragraph beginning "When octaves are
specified", I suggest we replace "as above" with "in absolute mode",
"put a pitch" with "put a single pitch", and "prevents" with
"reduces". This should clarify the intent of the paragraph, and the
advantages of relative mode.

Under "automatic accidentals" the second paragraph is missing a ")" somewhere.

Is it worth mentioning that LilyPond will not place accidentals on
tied notes _except_ when the tie crosses a line break? (As an aside,
does anyone know of a way to parenthesize the accidental in that

Also, I love the Beethoven excerpts. Very classy touch.


On Jan 13, 2008 5:10 PM, Graham Percival <address@hidden> wrote:
> I'm still seeking comments on NR 1.1 Pitches.  As far as I know,
> only one advanced user has read the whole thing in the past month.
> If you read it and didn't see any problems, please let me know.
> View it here (and not on!)
> A pdf is available.  The section is 24 pages; if you prefer
> viewing documentation on paper, then please consider printing it
> out.  You could read it on a bus/subway, under the table during a
> boring business meeting, or even during an orchestra rehearsal
> while the conductor fixes mistakes in the viola section.  Unless
> you play viola, of course.
> I know you're all sick of me asking for comments about this
> section, but it's important to catch mistakes before people start
> translating -- if we discover mistakes after the translations are
> done, we need to update documents in every language, instead of
> just the English docs.
> Also, this is the first part of the NR to be updated.  The rest of
> the NR will follow the layout of 1.1 Pitches.  If there's any
> problems with the layout / formatting, then I *really* want to
> know now, before we edit the rest of the docs to match this
> formatting.
> Here is the current TODO list; don't report any issues which are
> already on this list.
> - headword could be improved (line-break)
> - some minor formatting issues with included LSR stuff.
> POSTPONED  (ie after GDP is over)
> Note names in other languages:
> - table formatting
> - pitches in Turkish Maquam and other microtonal systems?
> Cheers,
> - Graham
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