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Re: Printing bar number 1

From: Johan Vromans
Subject: Re: Printing bar number 1
Date: 27 Aug 2008 19:46:17 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

"Dmytro O. Redchuk" <address@hidden> writes:

> > The only thing I'd want to get rid of is the time change indicator at
> > the end of the first staff.
> Time remains unchanged, so, why specify it?

Maybe a little explanation of what I'm trying to achieve.

I play with a pop choir (, dutch only). The
music that our director prepares (using Sibelius) focuses on the vocal

So I re-create the music (Sibelius -> MIDI -> Rosegarden -> LilyPond)
and add the things that are important for me (intro, extro, chords

To stay in sync with the the director's score (and the rest of the
choir) I basically want my score to 'restart' after the intro. So the
first bar after the intro is bar number 1, and I would like to have
that explicitly numbered for the sake of clearness. For the same
reason I'd like to have the time sig repeated in that first bar.

In the example, the first 4 bars (filled with rests) simulate the

  \relative c' {
    R1 * 4 \break
    \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 1)
    \set Score.currentBarNumber = #1
    \time 4/4
    c1 c c c
    c1 c c c

I can get the results that I want by typesetting the intro separately
from the rest of the score, but I use the same source to generate MIDI
tracks and this approach leads to some complications that I'd rather

The current approach (as used in the example) is near perfect. But
after working with LilyPond for a while 'near perfection' is not good
enough anymore :).

-- Johan
   Chord is alive!

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