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Re: position of text in timeSig

From: Gilles THIBAULT
Subject: Re: position of text in timeSig
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 21:25:16 +0200

Dear Lilypond-users,
in the below quoted example the position of the "rit" is ver high.
Does somebody know the reason for this?
Sorry, the example is a bit long.
I don't know why you want to use the new context TimeSig because it works well without it.
( I only add \override Voice.TextScript #'direction = #UP in tempotakt).
\version "2.11.49"

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%       the music %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
tempotakt = {
 \override Voice.TextScript #'direction = #UP
    \mark \default
    s 1*6 \noBreak
    s 1*4 -\markup{\upright "rit."  } \noBreak %tempotakt15-18
 s 8*7 s 8 %tempotakt 19,
 \mark \default
 \time 2/4 s16-\markup { \column { \upright "subito piu mosso"   \line { "(" \note # "4" #0.75 "= 120)" } \upright "molto rit." } } %tempotakt 20, tempoangabe, hoffentlich schauts gescheit aus
 s8. s8. s16  |\noBreak %tempotakt 20
 \tempo 4 = 60 s2 | \break %tempotakt 21
marimba =   {
R 1*6
R 1*5
c' 16 d' e' f' g' a' r 8
R 2
\new Score
{  \override Score.Hairpin #'minimum-length = #8
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t %damit werden die Mehrtaktpausen korrekt angezeigt
 \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-letters
 \override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
 \override Score.TimeSignature #'style = #'( )
 \new Staff << \tempotakt  \marimba    >>
Was it what you wanted to get ?

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