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Re: No time signature?

From: Mark Polesky
Subject: Re: No time signature?
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 19:29:04 -0800 (PST)


> I did briefly look at that chapter. What I really need to know is:
> will it take away any bar lines? Or at least let me decide where to
> put them?

Just so you know, in default LilyPond mode (ie. not Ancient mode), the 
most appropriate way of specifying the locations of barlines is by 
specifying the appropriate time-signatures for each measure.

> I'm guessing that the whichBar = #"" command makes it work for every 

> staff?

No. It works for every staff because it's in...
  \layout { \context { \Staff *here* } }

The whichBar command effectively removes all barlines, but that's a 
weird way of doing it. If you're curious, replace that line with 
  whichBar = #"|"
and see what it does. Your code will be more correct and easier to
understand, however, if you replace the whichBar command with
  \remove Bar_engraver
That is, if you want to remove *all* barlines.

Remember, when you're coding, don't use something just because it
works in that instance; better instead to use the appropriate 
command. If you want to remove all barlines, use
  \remove Bar_engraver
If you want to make them transparent, use 
  \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t (in the Staff context)

By the way, somebody should change that snippet.
  ( )

- Mark


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