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breakbefore help

From: james
Subject: breakbefore help
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 16:05:48 +0100

I wanted to have a title page before the music begins. I assumed I'd set up my title page, have breakbefore=##t in my \header, and have my title page on the first page, the header information on the second page. I see that is not the case. Whent does breakbefore work? The documentation mentions it, but it isn't included in the example that shows the usage of header titles. I made a minimal snippet to see, but I can't figure it out.
\version "2.11.65"
\header {
   title = "title"
   breakbefore = ##t
\markup { page one }
\relative c' {\time 5/4 c d e f g a g f e }
\markup { page two }
\markup { page three }

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