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Re: workaround: keeping piano staves alive together in a RemoveEmptyStaf

From: Jonathan Kulp
Subject: Re: workaround: keeping piano staves alive together in a RemoveEmptyStaffContext
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 08:56:57 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081125)

Valentin Villenave wrote:
2008/12/17 Kieren MacMillan <address@hidden>:

show = { \set Staff.keepAliveInterfaces = #'(

Hmm... No, this doesn't help. I have a 450-pages score with a somewhat
complex piano part (cross-staff voices, internal polyphony etc) and I
can't check every system one by one. The very reason why I have given
up using your trick is because i need something automatic.

But thanks :-)


I tried something that seems to work, but it could require a lot of work for a score as big as yours. It might be similar to your ghosting of a voice but it's hard for me to tell.

What I did was for a passage with whole-measure rests I created another voice with hidden notes, so that your "three" looks like this:

three = { \clef bass
  \repeat unfold 4 { a4 b c' d'} \break
  << { \oneVoice R1*3 R1  } \\ { \hideNotes c1*4 } >> \break
  R1*4 \break

The \oneVoice command keeps the rests on the right staffline, and using \hideNotes instead of skips keeps the staff alive. If this works the way you want, then maybe there's a way to create some other function that will find passages with R1 in them and create an extra voice with the hidden notes. That's beyond my ability though. :)

Jonathan Kulp

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