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Fwd: Compiling on Mac OS X

From: Arjan Bos
Subject: Fwd: Compiling on Mac OS X
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 22:56:18 +0100

On 27 dec 2008, at 21:07, August Lilleaas wrote:

I were doing this on HEAD. Changed to 2.10.9-1, and (for some reason) doing make, then make all (both yielding errors) and then make worked.

After running a couple of minutes, though, this happened:

out/ error: no 'int yyFlexLexer::yywrap()' member function declared in class 'yyFlexLexer'

Am I the only person that wants to run lilypond on a modern intel mac, or have I overlooked something?

I'm having the same problem. What I did to solve this is removing the line containing yywrap in FlexLexer.h. If you've been following Nicolas' guidelines, then that file is:
and the line-number is arround 130

I tried this with HEAD  and I get the following:
Processing `/usr/local/src/lilypond/lilypond/ly/generate-' Parsing...[/usr/local/src/lilypond/lilypond/out/share/lilypond/current/ ly/init.lyAssertion failed: (pt->read_pos == pt->read_end), function scm_fill_input, file ports.c, line 978. /bin/sh: line 1: 21318 Abort trap /usr/local/src/lilypond/ lilypond/out/bin/lilypond --verbose /usr/local/src/lilypond/lilypond/ ly/generate-documentation

And now I'm at a loss, because I don't have a ports.c file on my computer (according to locate)

Can someone chime in here please? Or should I take my quest for Intel Mac OS X Lilypond to a developer list?

Kind regards,
Arjan Bos

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