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Re: Why a \score inside \markup doesn't allow breaks?

From: Risto Vääräniemi
Subject: Re: Why a \score inside \markup doesn't allow breaks?
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 12:19:53 +0000

2009/1/29 M Watts <address@hidden>:
> Hmm, I can see how this could be annoying -- I guess \markup's ability to
> include a \score was originally intended for short phrases and alternative
> readings etc., although the docs provide an example of some length.

Yeah. That's probably the original intention. However, I had to write
a two page song (luckily no longer than that), which had a column of
text (lyrics) on the left side and the music on the right side. It was
quite a PITA to split the music into several \score blocks. :-(

That made me wonder if there had been an easier way.


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