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Re: Về: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 77, Is sue 80

From: Jonathan Kulp
Subject: Re: Về: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 77, Is sue 80
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 18:40:40 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090318)

huy nguyen wrote:
I've attached the file. you can try to compose it. you'll see that
the rests are placed in weird places, I've figured that the \voiceOne
command did that. If I don't use the \voiceOne command, and the
remove staff performer command in the \midi, it will just give piano
sounds and not strings sounds.

and the 4 16th notes before the 1st ending is the one with problem.
The first few 8th notes in the viola part, are the ones that have the
dots near the beam. I also want to beam all four notes together, not
just pairs. IN the viola part, measure 71, I'd like the tie of the C#
to be down, and the tie of the E to be just like it is, but I dont'
know how to make just the bottom tie face down.

That's all I guess. if you see anymore problems, you are welcome to
tell me and I'll fix it. And if you find the copyright line a little
funny, yes they're a pun :)


Ok your articulations and rests aren't placed right because you had \voiceOne \voiceTwo and \voiceThree unnecessarily. Those commands are really just for single-staff polyphony, such as classical guitar music or if you're putting, say, both oboe parts on the same staff or the tenor and bass voices on the same staff in a choral work. If there's only one line on a staff, you don't need these commands.

A "best practice" approach to code would be to put one measure per line, liberally commented with bar numbers so as to find problem parts quickly. As it stands it will be very hard to find the problem spots in your file. I also use bar checks after every bar ( | ) to help avoid rhythm problems. For a piece this big I would also use separate files for each instrumental part and \include them in the main file, which will have only the header information, \version info, the \score block and various other things that apply to the full score. This will also make it easier to create separate parts for performers. See the section in the learning manual "handling large projects" for tips.


Jonathan Kulp

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