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Re: problem with partcombine

From: Stefan Thomas
Subject: Re: problem with partcombine
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:43:20 +0100

Dear community,
I was now able to reproduce the error. It has do do with \context Voice.
When I compile the following snippet, the text "solo" is not printed, and the upper voice is shown as voiceOne.
Here is the snippet:
\version "2.12.2"

upper = \relative c'' {
  \context Voice << {\repeat "unfold" 2 { c4 d8 e f g a b c1 }}
    {s1\pp\< s1\f s1\pp }>>
lower = \relative c' { R1*4   }
all ={ \new Staff {\partcombine \upper \lower } }
\score { \new PianoStaff {\all } }

2009/11/14 Alexander Kobel <address@hidden>
Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear community,
I have two questions concerning the partcombine-feature.
First: How can I change the texts like "Solo I" etc. for the whole score?

Hi, Stefan.

See NR 1.5.2, in the section about part combining:
 \set Staff.soloText = #"girl"
 \set Staff.soloIIText = #"boy"
 \set Staff.aDueText = #"together"
If you want the setting for the whole score - well, use
       \set Score.[...].

The second question:
When I combine a part  with another, it happens sometimes- especially when the lower part has a longer multi-measure-rest -
that the upper part is shown as voice one, like it would bee in a context with two parts.
I wasn't  able to reproduce this error until now.

Neither am I. Ignore it until it hits you again, and then try to make a short example.

Has someone an idea, what could be the reason of this strange behavior?

There are two possibilities I can think of:
1) You set \voiceOne (or \stemUp, ...) for this very named voice somewhere, and it gets inherited after the partcombine, or
2) you have a simultaneous voices construct like << { .. } \\ { .. } >> for the first part.


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