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Lyric extenders in the middle of words

From: Roman Stawski
Subject: Lyric extenders in the middle of words
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 10:56:11 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Question to the wise : how do you use extenders in the _middle_
of words.

I know that the documentation says
 "In the last syllable of a word, melismata are sometimes
  indicated with a long horizontal line starting in the melisma
  syllable, and ending in the next one."

I have the following example:

  \version "2.13.7"
  \paper { ragged-right = ##t }
  \relative c'' {
    a4\(    b4\)    a2  } \addlyrics {
    Me   -- lo   -- dy  } \addlyrics {
    Ly   __ _    -- ric }

The 'Ly' of lyric is stretched across two notes and I want to
indicate this with an extender. However, it is the first syllable
of 'Lyric' and I want to indicate this with a hyphen.

The above example throws out the error
  programming error: hyphen not finished yet
  continuing, cross fingers
and junks the hyphen.

I also tried the following
  \version "2.13.7"
  \paper { ragged-right = ##t }
  \relative c'' {
    a4\(     b4\)       a2  } \addlyrics {
    Me    -- lo      -- dy  } \addlyrics {
    Ly __ -- \skip 4    ric }
This compiles without errors but now the extender stretches below
the hyphen which looks odd.

Does anyone have any ideas how this could be managed?


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