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Re: MIDI file not being generated on windows. Not sure why.

From: Xavier Scheuer
Subject: Re: MIDI file not being generated on windows. Not sure why.
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 00:28:21 +0200

On 7 September 2010 00:09, Dejas Ninethousand <address@hidden> wrote:
> I followed the example shown here:
> to create:
> [...]
> However when I drag the .ly file onto the lilypond shortcut in windows
> the correct pdf and ps are generated, but no .midi file is generated.
> Did I do something wrong?


Your code produces errors because you have inserted the  \header block
within the  \score block (music expression should come first).
Please move \header  away (before you  \score block).
Therefore (and I don't know why) LilyPond is complaining but is still
producing a PDF (and only a PDF).

Move your  \header block outside (before) your  \score block and then
the MIDI (and only the MIDI) file is produced.  To produce both MIDI
and PDF, add also a  \layout block within your score.  ;-)

BTW version 2.10.33 is quite old now.
Please consider upgrading to latest stable version (2.12.3) at least.

\version "2.10.33"
\header { title = "Exercise" }  % XS: moved outside \score
\new Staff {
\time 4/4
<< {g''4 <c''g''>4 g''4 <c''g''>4} \\ {f'8 f'8 r4 f'8 f'8 r4} >>
<< {g''4 <c''g''>4 g''4 <c''g''>4} \\ {f'8 f'8 r8 f'8 r8 f'8 r4} >>
<< {g''4 <c''g''>4 g''4 <c''g''>4} \\ {f'8 f'8 r4 f'8 f'8 r4} >>
<< {g''4 <c''g''>4 g''4 <c''g''>4} \\ {f'8 f'8 r8 f'8 r8 f'8 r4} >>
<< {g''4 <c''g''>4 g''4 <c''g''>4} \\ {f'8 f'8 r4 f'8 f'8 r4} >>
<< {g''4 <c''g''>4 g''4 <c''g''>4} \\ {f'8 f'8 r8 f'8 r8 f'8 r4} >>
<< {g''4 <c''g''>4 g''4 <c''g''>4} \\ {f'8 f'8 r4 f'8 f'8 r4} >>
<< {c''8 c''8 r8 c''8 c''8 r8 c''8 c''8} >>
\midi {
     \context {
       tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 72 4)


Xavier Scheuer <address@hidden>

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