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Re: question on \transpose

From: Tim McNamara
Subject: Re: question on \transpose
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 17:51:35 -0600

On Nov 21, 2010, at 12:41 PM, MING TSANG wrote:

Yes, (1) \transpose f des {music} works. I use so (2) \transpose f dflat {music} also works. I was told D-flat is equivalent to B-flat minor; but in term of key signature print D- flat has 5 flats while B-flat minor has 5 sharps. On score sheet D-flat show 5 flats. How can I produce lilypond score sheet with 5 sharps for B-flat minor?

Bb minor would have 5 flats; it is the relative minor of Db. Five sharps would be B major or G# minor. If you want to transpose your score to five sharps, then your \transpose command would be accordingly different:

     \transpose f b {music}

Relative minor keys are as follows:

C = A minor = no sharps
G = E minor  = #
D = B minor  = ##
A = F# minor = ###
E = C# minor = ####
B = G# minor = #####
F# = D# minor = ######
C# = A# minor = #######

C = A minor  = no flats
F = D minor = b
Bb = G minor = bb
Eb = C minor = bbb
Ab = F minor = bbbb
Db = Bb minor = bbbbb
Gb = Eb minor = bbbbbb
Cb = Ab minor = bbbbbbb

A nice graphical representation:

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