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System in different colors

From: uunail
Subject: System in different colors
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 02:41:41 -0700 (PDT)

Hi everybody

Using this wonderful tool I again have a problem.

I want to use different colors in a piece to illustrate that they are played
by different people (and not using multiple systems).

The snippet below works almost fine with only one little thing that I want
to have changed:

\version "2.14.2"
#(set-global-staff-size 18.65)

\header {
        title = "System in different colors" 

\language "deutsch"

staffVoice = \new Staff {
        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
        \time 2/2
        \key f \major
        \clef treble
        \tempo 2=78
        \relative c' {
        \context Voice {
                \override Staff.Clef #'color = #red
                \override Staff.TimeSignature #'color = #red
                \override Staff.KeySignature #'color = #red
                \override NoteHead #'color = #red
                \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #red
                \override Stem #'color = #red
                \override DynamicText #'color = #red
                \override Tie #'color = #red
                \override TextScript #'color = #red
                \override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red
                \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color = #red
                \partial 4*3
                <d' b>4^\markup{ \larger {Part 1}}_\f  <c a> 
        \context Voice = "melodyVoi" {
%            \partial 4*3
            \revert Staff.Clef #'color
            \revert Staff.KeySignature #'color
            \revert Staff.BarLine #'color
            \revert Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color
            \revert Staff.StaffSymbol #'color
            \revert NoteHead #'color
            \revert Stem #'color
            \revert Tie #'color
            \revert DynamicText #'color
            c4\(_\mf h c\)
            \bar "||"
            <f c> <f c> <f c> <f c>
            <f c> <f c> <f c> <f c>
            <f c> <f c> <f c> <f c>
        \context Voice = "melodyRep" {
            f1 R1
            \bar "|." 
        \context Voice = "interlude" {
                \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
                \override SystemStartBar #'color = #black
                \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #red
                \override NoteHead #'color = #red
                \override Stem #'color = #red
                \override DynamicText #'color = #red
                \override Tie #'color = #red
                \override TextScript #'color = #red
                \override Accidental #'color = #red
                \override Rest #'color = #red
                \override Staff.BarLine #'color = #red
                \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'color = #red
                f4^\markup { \larger {Part 3 }} e f g
                c,4 r <h f' g> r
                \bar "||"

\score {
        \layout {}

\paper {}

The double bar in front of part 3 is printed in red but I want to have it in
black as it belongs to part 2.

So the color change obviously works fine within a bar (as in bar 2). However
when the color change is done on a bar the behaviour is different and not
the way I want it to be.

Can someone help me.

Best regards


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