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Markup query

From: Peter Gentry
Subject: Markup query
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2012 10:37:37 +0100

Further to my recent query I have deduced from various confusing manual entries 
that my solution could be as follows

% variables for later use to avoid repititions
date = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y" (localtime (current-time)))
xtitle = "Wind Symphony"
xsubtitle = "No. 5 in E flat "
xarranger= "arr C Franklyn"
xChristian = "J C"
xSurname = "Bach"
xdates = "(1735 - 1782)"
xpart = "Clarinet 1"
xinstrument = "Clt1"
xmidiInstrument = "clarinet"
xstamp = \markup{\concat { "Engraved "  \bold \date " with "  \with-url 
#""; "LilyPond " \simple
#(lilypond-version) " (" }  }

% markup
\markup  {
      \fill-line {
          \column {
             \center-align {
                               \vspace #4 \fontsize #10 \concat { \xChristian " 
"  \xSurname } 
                               \vspace #2 \fontsize #6 \xdates
                               \vspace #3 \fontsize #10 \xtitle
                               \vspace #1 \fontsize #10 \xsubtitle
                               \vspace #2 \fontsize #4 \xarranger
                               \vspace #2 \general-align #Y #DOWN { \epsfile #Y 
#40 #"./BachJC.eps"  }      
                               \vspace #2 \fontsize #4 \xpart
                               \vspace #2 \fontsize #1 \xstamp

It is a shame that the manuals do not contain a single source including a 
precise definition of all the markup options - similar to
a c++ manual say. 

References are spread over a number of manuals, searches usually result in 
either a huge number of hits or none either way it is
difficult to resolve problems.

It is not meant to be hypercritical but the experience of a tyro Lilypond user 
for the gutus to consider.

Peter Gentry 

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