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Re: automatically left-aligning custom dynamics

From: james
Subject: Re: automatically left-aligning custom dynamics
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2012 12:14:14 +0200

On Sep 9, 2012, at 9:49 AM, David Kastrup wrote:

Note that you can write this as

rinforzamf =
  #{ \markup \line { \left-align \normal-text \whiteout
                           \italic "rinforza"
                     \hspace #0
                     \whiteout \dynamic "mf" }

if you want to.  It then becomes more straightforward meddling with it,
though this is not really relevant here.

Thanks, I almost understand what happening here. I don't really get what the #( and #{ do, but everything after the \markup makes sense to me.

And a macro that left-aligns it:
leftalign = { \once \override Dynamics.DynamicText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 }

Heretofore, I've just been manually adding the \leftalign before the
\rinforzamf (for example). Is there a way to get both of these in one

Ok, here is the deal: this is an override, which is something happening
at a single timestep to _everything_ in the current context.  If you
want to combine them, you rather want a tweak, which is something with
its effect confined to what you are tweaking.

rinforzleft = \tweak DynamicText #'self-alignment-X #-1 \rinforzmf

should do the trick.

So does this mean I could do rinforza = \tweak DynamicText #'self-alignment-X #-1 #(make-dynamic-script #{ \markup … #} #) ? Or would that change all DynamicText things when I only want it to affect this individual one?

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