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Re: Repeated accidental after tie across line break

From: Kieren MacMillan
Subject: Re: Repeated accidental after tie across line break
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 20:28:28 -0400


> I don't see the ambiguity.

So, upon seeing the screenshot I sent, you immediately knew that it was a 
C-natural, even though there's a C-sharp in the key signature and no other 
[contradicting] accidental?
You should be the star of a clairvoyance show in Vegas!  ;)

> The note is tied anyway and not to be articulated
> if I were to start playing from that measure. If I want to play the note I
> have to look back anyway.

Yes, but if there's no line break, you only have to look back a few cm — If 
there's a line break, you have to look to the right a much longer distance, 
then move up a system, register the correct accidental, then do the long return 
trip to the original note. The "repeated" accidental saves this long processing 

> I don't think this has something to do with classical or non-classical
> music or a piece having or not having a key signature.


Best regards,

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