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Re: Tempo marking pushes rehearsal mark far above the staff

From: Keith OHara
Subject: Re: Tempo marking pushes rehearsal mark far above the staff
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 00:17:55 -0700
User-agent: Opera Mail/12.14 (Win32)

On Sat, 30 Mar 2013 06:20:55 -0700, Kieren MacMillan <address@hidden> wrote:

both MetronomeMark and RehearsalMark need to have space reserved.

If any two grobs "have space reserved", will collision avoidance always be 
accomplished horizontally?

That is what I meant by "have space reserved", so yes.   The 'extra-spacing-width and 
-height settings that we were talking about tell LilyPond how much space an object requires, for 
purposes of the horizontal spacing of notes.  So when extra-spacing-width/height requests enough 
space from the horizontal-spacing step such that the object actually fits in its natural position, 
LilyPond will not need to move it vertically.  Generally, requesting enough space means zeros or a 
widening pair like #'(-1.0 . 1.0) in the "extra"-space settings.

Most of the time, your overrides work fine. I haven't yet narrowed down the exact 
circumstances where they don't (i.e., lead instead to "catastrophic" spacing 

The one problem you pointed out
was just after I said how I make the tempo mark stretch the music (because that 
is what you asked about) but *forgot* that you also have to give the tempo an 
initial Y-offset so it goes over note-heads.

I'm proposing to make a full self-consistent set of overrides be the new default 

P.S. Your ScoreMarks context 
<> sets 
both tempo and time-signatures.  In normal staves the tempo sits on top of the 
time-signature, but in ScoreMarks you might want it over the first *note-column* in 
the new tempo:
  \override MetronomeMark #'break-align-symbols = #'()
    % the default was   #'(time-signature key-signature)
  \override MetronomeMark #'non-break-align-symbols = #'(paper-column-interface)

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