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Moving markup objects

From: Constantine Stade
Subject: Moving markup objects
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2013 17:03:06 -0500

I have used Lilypond for several years, but have found it difficult to dig deeper into the notation to do things like moving non-staff items or predictably setting vertical staff spacing. I am looking for a way to move a \markup symbol from above the first note of a phrase to directly above the clef itself.
Here's the code:

\version "2.12.3"

\score { \relative c'' { c2^\markup \bold \larger \circle "I" c4 c b2. b4 a1 c2( d) c a4( b) c2( b) a2 r2 \bar"|." }

\addlyrics { Bles -- sed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy sta -- tutes. }

My outcome is shown in photo #1.

Is there a way to move it to the position in photo #2 (notation made with Finale), or even another way to go about it altogether?

Thanks for your help!


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