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Re: Custom accidental style (for cadenza)?

From: James Harkins
Subject: Re: Custom accidental style (for cadenza)?
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 09:33:12 +0800
User-agent: Trojita/v0.4.1-obs-e4f2946; Qt/4.8.1; X11; Linux; Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 8:21:10 AM HKT, David Nalesnik wrote:
Here's a variation which incorporates my little discovery :)

This is great! Thanks! I can safely say, it probably would have taken me half a year to figure this out on my own...

In the second example, the ! forces the natural.  I don't see that there's
any logic in allowing the function to ignore an explicit directive like
this.  (Though I'm guessing it's there as an artifact from the "this is how
I'd like it to look" example?)

The ! is there in my second example to illustrate the transposing behavior that I didn't want. If I remove it from your test file, then it does just what I wanted: the C# displays once per beamed group, and there is no unnecessary natural sign for E-nat. in the transposed part.

Thanks again -- I owe you a beer, or some snippets of SuperCollider code, or something. (This exchange, incidentally, is one of the reasons why I prefer free-as-in-freedom software whenever possible.)


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