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Re: Bad rest placements?

From: Phil Burfitt
Subject: Re: Bad rest placements?
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 18:46:14 +0100

----- Original Message ----- From: <address@hidden>
To: "lilypond-user" <address@hidden>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 6:25 PM
Subject: Bad rest placements?


          So I have been working on an engraving and had 80% of it
finished  when I decided I needed another voice. I added it and it solved
my voicing
issue, but it completely ruined ALL of my previous rests which were fine
before. I don't see why these rests should be so badly out of position???

      The rests in voicethree are way out! Sure I could use  "\rest"  for
each one but shouldnt  this just work??

  Here is a minimal reduction of the problem.  Ideas?  thanx - steve

\version "2.18.0"

 global = {
    \time 3/4
    \key e \major
    \clef "G_8"

 voiceone = \relative c' {
    \repeat volta 1 {
        \partial 4 { e'16_\p b gis' e } |
        b'4 r gis,16 e b' gis |
        e'4 r gis,,16 e b' gis |
        < a fis' >4 < gis e' >

 voicetwo = \relative c' {
    \repeat unfold 2 { s2. } s2

 voicethree = \relative c {
    \repeat volta 1 {
    \partial 4 s4 |
    r4 < e gis b > r | r4 < e, e' gis > r |

 guitar = << \voiceone \\ \voicetwo \\ \voicethree >>

 \score {
    \new Staff { << \global \guitar >> }
    \layout { }

Hi Steve,

If you use \voiceTwo or \voiceFour in your third voice, you should get what you were hoping for.


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