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Re: Barline at beginning of lines of music.

From: Marc Hohl
Subject: Re: Barline at beginning of lines of music.
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 08:38:55 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0

Am 15.07.2014 16:14, schrieb Richard Shann:
Well, I'm not sure I follow the distinction between defined bar-types
and not, this code

\version "2.18.0"
\defineBarLine ":" #'(":" ":" ":")
\defineBarLine "|" #'(":" ":" ":")
\score {

     \new PianoStaff <<
         \new Staff = "RH"  <<
          \new Voice  {
          c''  c'' c'' c'' c'' c''  }
         \new Staff = "LH"  <<
          \new Voice  {
           c''  c'' c'' c'' c'' c''  }

gives no warning but prints the double dots above instead of below the
top staff.
But perhaps that is a separate bug.

IIRC, it is not possible to use the repeat colons as span bars, they are placed above the first system and not repeated even if you use more than two staves (and therefore more than one instance of a span bar).

Do you have a real-world example where this would be of some use?

In any case, I seem to have a workable method for creating the bar types
needed for chord charts. Attached is an example of the sort of output.
The code to generate this is now in Denemo's git and will be in the
1.1.8 release.

Looks good!


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