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Two text spanners on one staff

From: Ralph Palmer
Subject: Two text spanners on one staff
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 17:33:25 -0500

Greetings -

And thanks again for the wonderful program!

I have a couple of problems with a section of music.

1) I need to create two text spanners on one staff, one spanner for the first volta, the other for the second volta. I can do it for the staff with two voices, but I'm stuck with the staff with one voice. I'm attaching .pngs of the original and what I have so far. Can anyone suggest a way to do this? Do I need to create a temporary invisible voice to do it? If so, how do I deal with the lower staff, where I already have an upper and lower voice? A third, invisible, voice 4? Is there an easier way? 

2) I cannot figure out the command to lower the fortissimos to the levels of the text spanners. Any help?

I can merge the rests, but I didn't want to complicate the file more than I needed to.

I'm attaching the original - twoTextSpannersOrig.png - and my solution so far - twoTextSpanners.png. 

Here's my code (I apologize for the large file; I wanted to reproduce the original for comparison):

% Problems with two text spanners and placement of fortissimos

\version "2.18.2"

\language "english"

#(set-global-staff-size 16)

voiceA =

\relative c'' {

\key d \major

\clef treble


\time 2/4

\repeat volta 2 {


\override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup {\italic {"meno "} \dynamic {f} \italic {", cresc."}}

a16\startTextSpan( b cs8) d( b) |

cs8( a) b16( cs d8) |

cs8( a) b16( cs d8) |

e4-- e-- |

b16( cs d8) e( cs) |

d16( cs b8) c4-- |

b16( c d8) e16( d cs b)\stopTextSpan |

a4-!\ff r |



voiceB =

\relative c'' {

\key d \major

\clef treble


\time 2/4

\repeat volta 2 {





\override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup { { \concat \italic {"(la 2da volta pi" \char ##x00F9 }} \dynamic {p} \italic {", cresc."}}

r4\startTextSpan g!8[( d |

a'8 d,]) g( d) |

a'8[( d, g d]) |

gs8( d) gs( d) |

a'8( d,) gs[( d |

a'8 d,]) gs8( d) |

a'8( d,) g!( g,)\stopTextSpan |

<a e'>4_!\ff r |


\new Voice {



\override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup {\italic {"meno "} \dynamic {f} \italic {", cresc."}}

r4\startTextSpan g~ |

g4 g |

g2 |

g4 g |

g4 g~ |

g4 g |

g4 s\stopTextSpan |

s4\ff r |





\score {

\new GrandStaff <<

\new Staff << \voiceA >>

\new Staff << \voiceB >>


\header {}

\layout {}

% \midi {}


I appreciate your time and attention,


Ralph Palmer
Brattleboro, VT

Attachment: twoTextSpanners.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: twoTextSpannersOrig.png
Description: PNG image

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