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Re: creating pop/vocal lead sheets without the melody line

From: Ryan Clarin
Subject: Re: creating pop/vocal lead sheets without the melody line
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 11:49:34 -0600

In the notation reference manual, 2.4.2, "Guitar".  Very first paragraph reads:

"Most of the notational issues associated with guitar music are covered sufficiently in the general fretted strings section, but there are a few more worth covering here. Occasionally users want to create songbook-type documents having only lyrics with chord indications above them. Since LilyPond is a music typesetter, it is not recommended for documents that have no music notation in them. A better alternative is a word processor, text editor, or, for experienced users, a typesetter like GuitarTeX."

Thank you Kieran for showing me a possible option, I will play with it. Much appreciations.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Trevor Daniels <address@hidden> wrote:
Where in which manual does it say this?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 4:23 PM
Subject: creating pop/vocal lead sheets without the melody line


Basically, I want to create this:

without the melody.  So just lyrics with chords on top.

The manual isn't very helpful - in fact, it says, "You are better off using another program".

Let's say I want to use Lilypond because it will look great and be super easy to read.  How would I got about creating a vocal/pop lead sheet with just chords/diagrams and lyrics?


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