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Re: Git + LilyPond

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: Git + LilyPond
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 2015 14:58:46 +0200
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I'm not 100% sure about it.
Johan's hint will probably help you, but if you're intending to merge repositories later anyway it might make sense to have them in one repository right from the start. You can use a long-living branch for the development of the score and branch your working branches off from that. And at the point where you'd merge the repository in just merge the long-living branch into master.

However, you should make sure to keep libraries or similar code separate from the music repository except the library code is not intended to be reused at all. Otherwise you may run into quite conflicting situations.


Am 06.06.2015 um 10:12 schrieb Peter Bjuhr:
Hi all,

I have a question for those who use version control (and especially Git) with LilyPond:

When I write a new piece (or rather when a first version is written) I'd like to edit this as a single repo. But when it's (more) finished I think it would be better to collect it with other pieces in a larger repo (with the history intact of course). How can I do this? Is it a good idea?

I have some clues how to achieve this (especially with submodules), but I'd like to hear your experiences and tips!

(I vaguely remember some similar discussion about this!??)


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